Thursday, February 23, 2006

What is Help?

Have you ever asked for help from other people?
Of course you have.
Like for instance, asking your friend to inform the teacher that you are sick.
Or you helping your friend when she's busy.
Perhaps just asking he/she to buy you something.

Help. You share the workload with the other person.
Help them out of free will and with no intention of a reward.
That's what help mean to me. Don't know about you people.

Anyway, I am most dislike and disgust is when people say this:
"I rather do this task my own." That just turns me off.
I mean, if someone is having a lot of tasks to do when they can actually get help from their friends, why don't they just say so?

You want help, ask. Don't think that you can handle it on your own. That's utter bullshit.
Look, if a certain task is divided among a few people, the result:
  1. The task is done faster.
  2. Shed a few loads of your shoulder.
  3. Less things to worry about.
  4. Can get on with Life more peacefully.
Yeah. So asking for help is not that dangerous. All you need is ask properly, explain the instruction correctly and trust the person whom you aske for help.

These excuses really turns me off:
  1. I can do this on my own.
  2. I don't think I need help.
  3. I don't like to bother other people.
  4. I rather do this on my own.
For those who have been asked for help, do it properly. Don't expect a reward from it.
Your status will not drop if you help even the slightest thing. You will not be humiliated.
In fact, you will be remembered for the help you have given. You will be trusted. People will like your honesty.

But as for me, throughout my whole life, I have help people who are closest to me and to strangers. I felt good helping people. However, asm I grew older, my help has been treated lightly. Not even a thank you or a smile back. That's basic courtesy. Don't tell me people this generation have forgotten how to be polite? GOD! what is happening to this world. hai..
Ponder about this.

This is not directed to anyone. But if you feel the sting, well, all I can say is, Take it with a pinch of salt and change for the better.


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