Saturday, February 04, 2006

Risks. Are they worth it?

I am sure at certain points in our Life, we take risks.
Be it for ourselves or even for our loved ones.
Risk. Like a bomb expert trying to disarmed a bomb.
Trying to figure out which wire to cut. Is it Red, Blue or Green wire.
If the outcome is positive, then the risk which was done was worth risking for.

However, Life is not always positive. There's always a bad side of things.
Call it the Ying and Yang of Life. The Good and the Bad. The Angel and The Devil.
If we take risks, and it turns out to be a negative thing, who do we blame?
Ourselves? For being stupid enough to make such decision? Or blame Life for being so unfair?
Even if we get the chance to blame Life, what will we get out of it? Nothing I guess.

People always say, Live Life To The Fullest. What do they really mean? How on earth can we live to the fullest when actually in reality, there's always the intruder. We can't avoid it.

I have taken many risks. Some had great outcomes. While some others just didn't work.
But I have been taking this risks for as long as I can remember. The risk of going out and see people staring at me because I'm Fat. Yeah. Where ever I go, people will give me the look. Some even uttered the word Fat. I know that I am Fat. But do they really have to say it in front of my face? Well, what if I'm the one who say something bad about them right smack in the middle of their faces? Will they like it? No right? how stupid can they be.

Well. I just don't give a damn about these people. All thanks to them, I'm like this. This is one of the risk that is not worth taking it.


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