Anyway, in the midst of typing this entry. I was just browsing through this website : This site has tonnes of pics of celebrities and stories about them. I'm kind of hooked to it as we'll never get them here. Locally. Either you'll have to buy US and People mags imported from the US, which gonna cost us a bomb. So why bother when you can get it for FREE? Aaahh....!!! the wonders of Technology these days. :)
So, this afternoon Kelly and I went to East Coast Park. When we reached there, the weather was showing signs of raining - Dark clouds, occasional winds and droplets of rain.
Our main agenda was to rent a 2-seater bicycle and explore the place, since we didn't have the time the other day that we went plus, Kelly couldn't ride a bike yet. However, due to the bad weather we were indecisive about renting the bike. Both of us felt wasted coming all the way to East Coast. Nevertheless, we took a risk by going ahead with the renting. It cost us $4 each. (2hrs + 2 water free). Cool.
Here's the pic of the bicycle.

There's 3 Possibilities why Kelly covered her face.
1) The SUDDEN feeling of being SHY (apparently she's NOT!)
2) Protecting her face from the Sun (It wasn't that HOT)
3) She's digging her nose for some TREASURES! (LOL!) :)

Nice pic of us. ALL SMILES...

Kelly: NO!! It wasn't me... (or was it?)

After that, we rode all the way to the SEAFOOD CENTRE. Came across this huge sandcastle. Further ahead, we saw many "Yellow People" running. Turn out to be the ARMY boys training. From far they look like a swamp of bees... After that, we reached

We went in to take a look.

Pic of us.
My hair at the back look like a duck's backside. Hee..
Kelly is holding her breath. Hehe..

That's about it. Our day at the Beach.
We really got NOTHING to do. Hehe!!
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