Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Orientation Day.

I'm back. Tired. Even this very moment.
First of all, I just finished watching American Idol. Funny. Enchanting.
I'm really jealous for those who made it to Hollywood. Their voices I mean.
But the only contestant that caught my eye was this guy name David Redford.
Hope I got it correct. Yea. He was the one who sang Summer Wind By Dean Martin.
I was taken away by him. He has those dreamy eyes...cute. I mean not too handsome, and not too ugly. Just the right kind of tenderness. OK. I am so blabbing over him. haha.. Ok, he's cute.

Right, back to business. Orientation Day.
Lemme start with Day 1. I performed. The mic was obviously berserk. The music was too soft. I entered the song too early. But I got back on track. On the high notes, I tried my best! I nailed it!! Woohoo!!! My classmates were screaming for me. Including ALL the BRIDGE LEADERS!! Thanks You Guys!! Appreciate it loads!!!
Then, aft that, the Treasure Hunt was a mess. Don't know what happened. Aft the whole day, got a good scolding from AD and Kevin. I knew that was coming from the look on their faces. Bad. I warned some of my Games Com Members. They knew it too. In the CCA Room, it was all let out. I felt like Screaming to Kevin for making accusations abt this years Orientation. He told us that it was the MOST LOUSIEST ever. I couldn't take it no more. I've had enough. But I am at no position to say anything. As usual, I kept it to myself. Aft all the scolding, all I wanted was just to go home. Go home to my mom. I felt so much better when I reached home. Comfort was filled within me.

Day 2. Was THE MOST RUNNING AROUND, BONE BREAKING, PAIN IN THE ASS, HOTTEST WEATHER, HEAVIEST DOWNPOUR, MOST EMOTIONAL DAY EVER!!! There. In the morning, I ran for the bus 155. I die die wanted to get the bus so that I can sleep in the journey. Second, I was kind of early. Then, when all my frens came, AD msg me to get her $12 for taxi fare. She was runnin late. When I was on my way to sch, a few taxis were driving in and out. I was so naive to believe that AD had arrived. So, I practically chased aft all the taxis. But AD was not in any of the taxis. It turned out that I had to wait for her outside the gate. Dammit. thanks ah! Then, AD appointed Siti and me to make sure that all equipment for the telematch and sports were ready. I was so nervous. I want to make sure everything goes fine. Then, Kevin, as usual, the pain in the ass, told me to get extra equipments!! Double job for Siti and me. Everything was fine when AD asked me for the strips of trashbag for the sports. I forgot abt that. AD gave me "that look". I was screwed and angry. Although they asked me to eat, but I didn't. My appetide was gone. Setting up the telematch stations was suicidal. 1 ping pong ball was missing. Both Kevin and AD gave me "that look". I hate it so much. I had no mood to play already. The feelin is worse than having menses. Aft the telematch, I was left alone with Aini to refill the stations. Imagine, 10 stations to clear. 9 stations to set up. 5 ping pong balls went missing. Until when I was carrying 2 pails of water down to the field, I fell down hard on my ass. It hurts so bad. I got teased by strangers. I was so fed up, I told Kevin to get help from the seniors. Once the seniors arrived, I explained quickly. Then, Ada, Mel and Daphne came late. I explained again. But once they heard that they need to carry pails of water, they complained among themselves. Though that I didn't hear. Well they were wrong. I hate them loads!!! I mean, all they did the whole day was sitting around like a bunch of whores waiting outside a strip club to get a ride home. ARGH!!! I HATE THEM!!!!! DARN BITCHES!!!!
The most hated part was when the stations were set up, it started to rain. Double ARGH!!!! Nvm. Then came the prize giving. Then, Ada and Maisarah were "debating" over what time to come tomorro. Ada and Mai were talking at the same time, same thing!! I was so pist I shouted "OI!!! WHY MUST 2 PERSON TALK AT THE SAME TIME??!! STUPID IS IT!!!" Ada turned around and looked at me. I stared at her back. No mercy shown. Aft that, was the most emotional part. Back in the CCA room, Sam gave token of appreciations to AD and Kevin. Both were speechless. Especially AD. And I can't keep my mouth shut. I kept cracking jokes and teased AD. heheh...Then,AD told abt ther life story. Then, some touching words that made me wanna cry. I kept my cool. When I looked up, I saw most of them with wet eyes. Amazin. Amazin on how I was the one who did not shed a tear. Souless? Me? Nah... Just kept my cool. It was a encore for me. AD told me everything before. So no sweat. But it was quite sad to see others cried. Aft, that, time to say farewell.

It's been a hell of a roller coaster ride working with AD and the rest. It was educational. LOL!!! Went to eat at MacD. I fell asleep while eating my lollipop!! Thank God I did not choke!! If not, I am History!!! LOL!!! Tired NOw!!!!Phew!!!!


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