Thursday, October 27, 2005

2 Faced...

I just don understand.
Why on earth
This kind of people exist?

When I askd em' out
"It's too FAR for Me..."
"No time la.."
"I'm meeting my fren"
Lame excuse.
But, the very next day,
They went out wit their frens.
To the very same place I offerd to them.
Even the furthest place seem so near.
Who am I to them?
Family or just a spare tyre? Or their info Counter?

See, I always being treated like shit. Dirt.
When I give them my all,
All I get in return is just their LAME Excuse!!
Don't I deserve any RESPECT at ALL?!!
Ugh!! This is all Bullshit!! Damn right it is.
I guess my intuitions have been right all along.
Never TRUST them anymore.
They are the DESTROYER!!

I can't take it no more.
I will just ignore them.
Argghhh.....!!! Why do I have this kind of people around me?
Can I get some GOOD and nice people around?
Or maybe the world has gone mad?


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